Here follows a list of my publications:
- A Guide to Malawi. Blantyre & Cape Town. Central Africana. 1994. ISBN 99908141112. 106pp.
- Wansford at the Millennium. The Living Story of an Ancient Village and its’ Community. Stamford. Peter Speigl & Co. 2000.
- The Story of Wansford. Stamford. Peter Speigl & Co. 2007.
- Mlozi of Central Africa: the End of the Slaver. Foreword by Professor Emeritus George Shepperson, CBE. Blantyre, Malawi & Stamford, UK. Central Africana. 2010. ISBN 978999081425-5.
Book Chapters:
- John Nkologo Chilembwe of Nyasaland: Pan African Visionary or Opportunist Revolutionary? Let Us Die for Africa. Desmond D. Phiri. Central Africana. Blantyre & Cape Town. 1999. ISBN 9990814198. Foreword by Professor Emeritus George Shepperson, CBE. Edited by David Stuart-Mogg.
- The Kidney Papers. The Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 48 – No.1, 1995. pp.1-33. With post-script by Professor Emeritus George Shepperson, pp.35-41
- The Kidney Papers – A Letter from the Kidney Papers. The Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 48 – No.1. pp. 42-48.
- A Visit to [Colonel] James Njoloma [in Zomba prison]. Malawi Update, Issue 21, March 1997.
- A Brief Investigation into the Genealogy of Pastor John Chilembwe of Nyasaland and some Thoughts on the Circumstances Surrounding his Death. The Society of Malawi Journal, Vol. 50 – No.1, 1997. pp. 44-58.
- Postscript to “A Brief Investigation into the Genealogy of Pastor John Chilembwe.” The Society of Malawi Journal, Vol. 50 – No: 2. 1997. pp. 54-56.
- The Chamare Museum, Mua Mission, Malawi. African Research and Documentation. No: 75. 1997. pp.1-4. Also REPRINTED: Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 51 – No.1, 1999.
- Two Unusual Photographs of Fort Mangochi. The Society of Malawi Journal Vol. 51 – No. 1, 1998. pp. 62-70.
- A Listing of the British Colonial Forts, Military Encampments and Fortified Bomas in Malawi. Tribute to late Lt. Col. James Njoloma in form of edited extract from latter’s Master’s thesis with a foreword and postscript. The Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 51 – No. 2. 1998. pp.17-26.
- The Grave of Joseph Booth. The Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 51 – No. 2. 1998. pp. 33-36.
- Two Interesting K.A.R. Shooting Medals & Two N.V.R. Shooting Trophy Spoons. The Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 52 – No. 2. 1999. pp. 68-71.
- Postscript to the Appendix to Desmond D. Phiri’s “Let Us Die For Africa”. The Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 52 – No. 2. 1999. pp. 72-74.
- The Livingstone Stained Glass Windows at Livingstonia. Travel Africa Magazine. Published quarterly. Winter, 2001/2.
- Malawi’s Colonial Forts. Travel Africa. Summer, 2002. Re-printed (without authority) The Nation, February 2010.
- The Malawi Rifles, the Centenary of the KAR. Malawi First. Vol. 3, No.2, 2002. Blantyre. pp. 55-59.
- The Malawi Society Journal. The Herald. Vol. 9 No. 3. 29 July 2002.
- The Book of Fancy Fair, Zomba, Nyasaland, 1918. Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 56 – No.1. 2003.
- Livingstonia Missionary Dr. Jessie Ridge’s 100th Birthday. Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 56 – No. 2. 2003. p. 1.
- The Rev. David Clement Scott and the Issue of Land Title in British Central Africa. Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 57 – No. 2. 2004. pp. 21 – 34.
- Miss Gertrude Benham. Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 58 – No. 1. 2005.
- An African Adventure: Arthur Baring Koe. Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 59 – No. 1. 2006. pp. 35 – 43.
- Frederick Njilima (Gresham), M.M. Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 60 – No. 1. 2007. pp. 23 – 30.
- The Identification of John Chilembwe’s Body and his Secret Burial. Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 61 – No. 2. 2008. pp 42-51.
- John Chilembwe: Aspiration and Achievement. With comments by George Shepperson. Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 63 – No. 1. 2010. pp 10 – 22.
- John Chilembwe’s Wife and Progeny. Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 63 – No. 2. 2010. pp. 25 – 38.
- Professor Emeritus George Shepperson, C.B.E: Scholar, Soldier, Poet. An appreciation in anticipation of his 90th birthday. Rhino Review. Journal of KAR & EA Forces Association, Vol. II No. 15, 2011.
Book Foreword:
- Rosemary Argente. Always With You: a Malawi Legacy. Malawi. Simanyi Books. 2007. ISBN 978 0 9557327 0 6.
Book Reviews:
- Corporal Haussmann Goes to War. Society of Malawi Journal. Vol.54 – No.2, 2001.
- The Great Rift. David & Elspeth King. Society of Malawi Journal. Vol.55 – No.1, 2002.
- Wild Goose: the Life & Death of Hugh van Oppen. Professor Colin Baker. The Herald. 10 July 2002
- Malawi: the Warm Heart of Africa. Johnston & Ferrar. Scottish Malawi Update. December 2002.
- A Brief History of the Malawi Rifles to Mark the Centenary of the K. A. R. 1902 – 2002. Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 56 – No.1. 2003.
- A Brief History of the Malawi Rifles to Mark the Centenary of the K. A. R. 1902 – 2002. Lt. Col. Namangale. Zomba. Public information Office. 2002. Rhino Review. 2003.
- Yuraia Chatonda Chirwa: the Faithful Servant. Austin Mkandawire. Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 57 – No.1. 2004. p. 45.
- The Spectrum Guide to Malawi. John Douglas & Kelly White. Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 57 – No.1. 2004. p. 46
- Peculiar Honours: a Missionary Adventure in Malawi. Rev. Stewart Lane. Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 60 – No. 2, 2007.
- Jobs for the Boys: the Story of a Family in Britain’s Imperial Heyday. Hew Stevenson. Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 63 – No. 2. 2010. pp. 62 -63.
- Captain Arthur Mell, 1925-1998. The Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 51 – No. 2. 1998. pp. 39-43.
- Rev. David Brian Roy, 1925-2000. The Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 52 – No. 2. 1999. pp. 80-83.
- Cyril Marlow, M.B.E., P.P.M., 1922-2001. Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 55 – No.1, 2002.
- Allan Kidney, D. Phil. 1912-2001. Society of Malawi Journal. Vol.55 – No.1, 2002.
- Dr. Jessie Christine Ridge, 1903-2006. Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 60 – No. 1. 2007. p. 40 – 41.
- Colonel Dudley Thornton, CBE, ERD, 1919-2009. Society of Malawi Journal. Vol. 62 – No 2. 2009. pp. 42 – 44.
- A History of St. Nicholas Church, Twywell, Northants. PCC. 1995.
- The Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Wansford, Cambs. PCC. 2001.
- St Remigius Church, Water Newton, Cambs. PCC. 2001.
Radio Script:
- Deirdre Livingstone’s Journey to Malawi. Narrated by Lord David Steel, KT, KBE, PC. B.B.C. Radio Scotland. Broadcast 30/12/97.